Interacting Diffusive Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter from Scalar Fields

by David Benisty

at Particles and Fields Seminar

Mon, 03 Apr 2017, 14:00
Physics building (#54) room 207


Here we generalize ideas of unified Dark Matter Dark Energy in the context of Two Measure Theories and of Dynamical space time Theories In Two Measure Theories one uses metric independent volume elements and this allows to construct unified Dark Matter Dark Energy where the cosmological constant appears as an integration constant associated to the eq of motion of the measure fields The Dynamical space time Theories generalize the Two Measure Theories by introducing a vector field whose equation of motion guarantees the conservation of a certain Energy Momentum tensor which may be related but in general is not the same as the gravitational Energy Momentum tensor By demanding that this vector field be the gradient of a scalar the Dynamical space time Theory becomes a theory of Diffusive Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter this is because demanding that the vector field be the gradient of a scalar introduces now a mechanism that produces non conserved energy momentum tensors instead of conserved energy momentum tensors which leads at the end to a formulation of interacting DE DM dust models in the form of a diffusive type interacting Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter scenario

Created on 25-03-2017 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 25-03-2017 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)