Variable range hopping transport of positive charge in DNA

by Alexander Burin

at Physics Colloquium

Thu, 10 Dec 2015, 15:30
Physics building (#54) room 207


The possibility of charge transport in DNA was first recognized over 50 years ago shortly after the discovery of the DNA helical structure The charge transfer between different bases is made possible due to a pi stacking interaction between heterocyclic groups existing in all four DNA bases Since that time charge migration phenomena in DNA have attracted much interest because of relevance to the generation of damage and mutations and because of the possible applications of DNA in molecular electronics The experimental demonstrations of positive charge transfer in DNA investigations of sequence dependent charge transport and time resolved measurements of charge migration between bases carried out during a past two decades have raised a number of questions about the nature of charge transfer in DNA all requiring theoretical explanations I will discuss the present status of theoretical researches including the phenomenological models of variable range hopping hole transport capable to interpret a sequence dependence hole migration and the microscopic models for interbase hole hops Refreshments are served at 3:20pm

Created on 13-11-2015 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 13-11-2015 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)