Chiral Effects in Heavy Ion Collisions: Non-perturbative suppression
by Dr. Ruslan Abramchuk
Ariel University
at Particles and Fields Seminar
Mon, 31 Mar 2025, 14:00
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207
In Heavy Ion Collision experiments people are able to create conditions that are unattainable elsewhere in the Universe — emerging Quark Gluon Plasma (which isn’t plasma at all) undergoes the fastest rotation and strongest magnetic fields. Chiral Effects can provide mechanisms for producing soft phenomena — Chiral Vortical Effect translates the rotation into Lambda hyperons spin polarization, which was found in RHIC-STAR data. Chiral Separation Effect translates the magnetic field into the same spin polarization, but cannot compete with CVE, yet CSE was studied in Lattice QCD simulations. The Chiral Magnetic Effect is expected to translate the magnetic field into charged multiplicity asymmetry, which has not yet been observed. I will discuss how the Chiral Effects are affected by interactions in hot QCD, focusing on dominant non-perturbative interactions using the Field Correlator Method (after a brief introduction to this method).
Created on 27-03-2025 by Palti, Eran (palti)
Updaded on 27-03-2025 by Palti, Eran (palti)