High energy neutrinos from hidden and gamma-ray bright sources

by Prof. Dafne Guetta

at Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar

Wed, 11 Dec 2024, 11:10
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


In this talk I will review possible galactic an extragalactic neutrino sources. I will talk about
gamma-ray bright and hidden sources. In particular about choked jets. Over the last decade,
choked jets have attracted particular attention as potential sources of high-energy cosmic
neutrinos. However, testing this hypothesis is challenging because of the missing gamma-ray
counterpart, such that the identification of other electromagnetic signatures is of paramount
importance. A choked-jet source is expected, for instance, because of core-collapse
supernovae with extended hydrogen envelopes (Type II SNe), leading to the release of
ultraviolet (UV) and optical (O) emission for a few days. The UV band will be visible with an
unprecedentedly large field of view by the future mission satellite ULTRASAT, for which we
investigate the detection prospects in relation to the chocked source visibility in the O band
with the currently operating telescope ZTF. By considering fiducial parameters of the source
population, we estimate the maximum redshift up to which ULTRASAT will be able to detect
UV signals from these explosions, finding that it will be able to double the volume of sky
currently visible by ZTF for the same emitting sources, and consequently enlarge the sample
of observed Type II SNe by 60%.
Furthermore, we discuss coordinated multi-messenger observations among those instruments
and high-energy neutrino telescopes. To optimize combined detections, we suggest a delay of
4 days between $\nu$ and ULTRASAT observations, with a subsequent follow-up by like-
ZTF instruments about one week after.

Created on 06-12-2024 by Zitrin, Adi (zitrin)
Updaded on 08-12-2024 by Zitrin, Adi (zitrin)