How Active Cellular Forces and Fibrous Matrix Mechanics Drive Interactions and Collective Behavior

by Prof. Ayelet Lesman

School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University
at Biological and soft-matter physics

Thu, 30 Jan 2025, 12:10
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207 & ZOOM hybrid


In many physiological and pathological contexts, cells often interact without direct contact, indirectly, through the extracellular matrix (ECM) - a fibrous network primarily composed of collagen and fibrin. These ECM-mediated, long-range interactions are particularly important in connective tissues, wound healing, fibrosis, and cancer.
Our research focuses on the role of mechanical signals in facilitating long-range interactions and how these interactions may lead to collective cellular behavior, shaping tissue formation and disease progression. In this seminar talk, I will introduce our three main directions in the lab within this research frame: 3D cell-gel systems [ref 1], microscale ECM mechanics [ref 2], and computational simulations [ref 3].
Together, our findings highlight the important role of active cell forces in mediating long-range interactions and driving collective behavior. It enhances our understanding of cell-ECM interactions in health and disease and provides new insights into mechanically-driven transitions in contractile active matter.

Relevant publications:
[1] Bar Ergaz, Shahar Goren, Ayelet Lesman. Micropatterning the organization of multicellular structures in 3D biological hydrogels; Insights into collective cell-cell mechanical interactions. Biofabrication, 16(1), 2024. DOI 10.1088/1758-5090/ad0849
[2] Shahar Goren, Bar Ergaz, Daniel Barak, Raya Sorkin, and Ayelet Lesman. Micro-Tensile Rheology of Fibrous Gels Quantifies Strain-dependent Anisotropy. Acta Biomaterialia 181, 2024. DOI 10.1016/j.actbio.2024.03.028
[3] Ran Sopher, Shahar Goren, Yoni Koren, Oren Tchaicheeyan, Ayelet Lesman. Intercellular mechanical signalling in a 3D nonlinear fibrous network model. Mechanics of Materials 184, 104739, 2023.

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Created on 13-10-2024 by Granek, Rony (rgranek)
Updaded on 29-01-2025 by Granek, Rony (rgranek)