Disorder-Induced Anomalous Mobility Enhancement in Confined Geometries
by Dan Shafir
Dept of Physics, Bar Ilan University
at Biological and soft-matter physics
Thu, 20 Jun 2024, 12:10
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207
The diffusion of particles with passage times significantly slower than regular Brownian motion is observed in various systems, such as amorphous materials, living cells and rheology. This behavior is typically attributed to trapping or waiting times that are scale-free and uncorrelated. Our work demonstrates that correlated waiting times, termed quenched disorder, can redefine our understanding of transport properties. We show that the mobility of a driven particle in a channel anomalously depends on channel width, increasing as it grows narrower. Remarkably, this effect suggests a reduction in friction for flow as the channel constricts, opposing expectations based on regular or even anomalous transport dynamics. We further reveal that modifying geometrical constraints in the presence of quenched disorder alters the statistics of rare events, notably extremely large trapping times, resulting in surprising alterations to motion dynamics.
Created on 14-06-2024 by Feingold, Mario (mario)
Updaded on 14-06-2024 by Feingold, Mario (mario)