The Charge Convexity Conjecture and AdS/CFT

by Dvir Cohen

Ben Gurion University
at Particles and Fields Seminar

Mon, 03 Jun 2024, 14:00
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


We are interested in examining the Weak gravity Conjecture, that states that for every theory which is coupled to gravity and carries a U(1) symmetry, there must appear a particle in the spectrum for which gravity is the weakest force.
This inspires the Charge Convexity Conjecture, that states that if we consider a CFT with U(1) global symmetry, the lowest dimension operator for a charge q must satisfy a convex-like constraint.
We consider at CFTs on a compact space that carry U(1) global symmetry, and our primary goal is understanding the operator spectrum of those theories, using AdS/CFT correspondence and by using the physics of the Goldstone boson, we shall get constraints on the spectrum of states, and by applying the state-operator correspondence, and get constraints on the operator spectrum of the theory.
After that we go back to the AdS side and look for constraint in a dual theory.

Created on 29-05-2024 by Citron, Zvi (zhcitron)
Updaded on 29-05-2024 by Citron, Zvi (zhcitron)