Generic control of measurement-induced topological phase transitions

by Dr. Ritu Nehra

Physics department, BGU
at Condensed Matter Seminar

Mon, 27 May 2024, 11:10
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


The dynamics of entanglement under measurement in many-body quantum systems have recently been a topic of intensive study. Unitary dynamics typically lead to thermalization due to high entanglement, while continuous monitoring destroys entanglement. These competing dynamics drive intriguing phase transitions in quantum systems, analyzed through entanglement entropy scaling. The experimental probing of these measurements is independent of environmental feedback, which restricts its applicability to a few open systems. In recent work, the measuring device is modeled as a continuous Gaussian probe to capture a large class of environments. It modifies the detector state and uses it as feedback to the systems. I will discuss the role of feedback control measurements in the context of topological phase transitions of free fermionic chains and how it enables continuous tracking of the universal properties of these transitions.

Created on 21-05-2024 by Naamneh, Muntaser (mnaamneh)
Updaded on 21-05-2024 by Naamneh, Muntaser (mnaamneh)