Renormalization group analysis of excitations in the disordered Ising model with long-range interactions - connections to glass universal and non-universal behaviors

by Prof. Alexander L. Burin

Tulane University, New Orleans
at Condensed Matter Seminar

Mon, 29 Jan 2024, 11:10
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


Two Level Systems (TLSs) are ubiquitous in disordered materials. They exist in Josephson junctions of superconducting qubits dramatically limiting performance of those
devices by absorbing coherent oscillation energy at microwave frequencies. The dielectric losses due to TLSs are quantitatively universal, and this universality can be originated from their long-range interaction. We investigate this opportunity developing the renormalization group theory for the model of random two level defects with the long-range interaction. The results can be used to interpret both TLS universality and anomalous non-linear absorption recently observed in superconducting qubits.

Created on 21-01-2024 by Naamneh, Muntaser (mnaamneh)
Updaded on 25-01-2024 by Naamneh, Muntaser (mnaamneh)