Analytical Insights into Dark Matter Deficient Galaxies

by Dr. Zhaozhou Li

at Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar

Wed, 10 Jan 2024, 11:10
Remote Zoom Seminar


Recent observations report a puzzling dearth of dark matter (DM) in a fraction of massive high-z galaxies and dwarf galaxies, challenging current simulation predictions within the standard ΛCDM scenario. This discrepancy underscores our limited understanding of the halo/galaxy structural evolution. Here, I will present a novel unified analytical model for galaxy dynamical evolution driven by feedback outflows, mergers, and tidal interaction, and show how these processes can augment structural diversity and form DM-deficient galaxies.

Created on 05-01-2024 by Zitrin, Adi (zitrin)
Updaded on 05-01-2024 by Zitrin, Adi (zitrin)