A hologram for pure state AdS black holes
by Shubho Roy
at Particles and Fields Seminar
Mon, 04 May 2015, 14:00
Physics building (#54) room 207
We extend the HKLL holographic smearing function methods to reconstruct local bulk operators in the background of a large AdS black hole formed by null matter collapse a pure state black hole from the underlying CFT which is undergoing a sudden quench In particular we sketch how to probe the near horizon and sub horizon bulk locality in the leading semiclassical limit infinite N and ultimately their non perturbative departure from locality by finite N effects which arise due to restrictions imposed in a
Created on 29-04-2015 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 29-04-2015 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)