Cosmic Microscopes

by Prof. Jose Diego

University of Cantabria, Santander
at Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar

Wed, 04 Jan 2023, 11:10
Sacta-Rashi Building for Physics (54), room 207


A cosmic microscope is composed of two natural gravitational lenses. A large gravitational lens from a massive halo (for instance a galaxy cluster) and a much smaller lens, usually a star or similar compact object (including stellar remnants and more exotic ones like primordial black holes). The combination of these two lenses allows to study the distribution of luminous matter (and matter itself) on the smallest scales. In this talk I will discuss a few applications where cosmic microscopes can make important contributions: 1) detection of distant stars, 2) interference of gravitational waves, and 3) constrains on the nature of dark matter.

Created on 03-01-2023 by Zitrin, Adi (zitrin)
Updaded on 03-01-2023 by Zitrin, Adi (zitrin)