The Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanics with Two Boundary Conditions

by Dr. Tomer Shushi

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
at Quantum optics seminar

Wed, 15 Jun 2022, 15:00
ZOOM only


Zoom link:

The two-state-vector formalism presents a time-symmetric approach
to the standard quantum mechanics, with particular importance in the
description of experiments having pre- and post-selected ensembles.
Using the correspondence limit of the quantum harmonic oscillator in
the two-state-vector formalism, we produce harmonic oscillators that
possess a classical behavior while having a complex-valued position
and momentum. This allows us to discover novel effects that cannot
be achieved otherwise. The proposed classical behavior does not describe the classical physics in the usual sense since this behavior is
subjected to the feature that only after the final measurement is performed, as a boundary condition, the complex-valued classical effects
occur between the initial and the final boundary conditions.

Created on 12-06-2022 by Folman, Ron (folman)
Updaded on 12-06-2022 by Folman, Ron (folman)