Introduction to High Energy Heavy Ion collisions and the Quark Gluon Plasma
by Nestor Armesto
at Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar
Wed, 18 Mar 2015, 11:15
Physics building (#54) room 207
Instead of an Astrophysics seminar this week we will have the first lecture on Basics of High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions This lecture will cover the following topics: the QCD phase diagram lattice and perturbative techniques at finite temperature observables and experimental considerations Glauber model probes of the quark gluon plasma Pizza should be served at 11:15 Expected duration: 1 5 hours
Created on 16-03-2015 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)
Updaded on 16-03-2015 by Bar Lev, Yevgeny (ybarlev)