Quantum controlling levitated solids: a novel probe for the gravity-quantum interface

by Markus Aspelmeyer

University Of Vienna
at Physics Colloquium

Mon, 10 May 2021, 16:10


The increasing level of control over motional quantum states of massive, solid-state mechanical devices opens the door to a hitherto unexplored parameter regime of macroscopic quantum physics. I will report on our recent progress towards controlling levitated solids in the quantum regime. I will discuss the prospects of using these systems for fundamental tests of physics, including the interface between quantum and gravitational physics.

*** The Zoom link will be sent to all the department members on the day of the event. ***

Created on 05-05-2021 by Kats, Yevgeny (katsye)
Updaded on 05-05-2021 by Kats, Yevgeny (katsye)