A Journey Through Active Matter

by Sriram Ramaswamy

Indian Institute Of Science, Bangalore
at Physics Colloquium

Mon, 21 Dec 2020, 16:00
Zoom: https://weizmann.zoom.us/j/93903178346?pwd=VUJNa0Z1NkZhZDhjTnRXeVVGbEszUT09


Materials whose individual constituents consume free energy and move autonomously as a result are known as Active Matter, for which living systems are both inspiration and prime example. I will introduce the subject, summarise early results, and present recent and ongoing work with my students and colleagues, on organising principles, phase transitions, and surprises in the statistics and dynamics of active systems.

Zoom link: https://weizmann.zoom.us/j/93903178346?pwd=VUJNa0Z1NkZhZDhjTnRXeVVGbEszUT09
*** This colloquium is joint with all the universities in Israel. We invite you to log in at 16:00 for socializing. The talk itself will start at 16:10. ***

Created on 16-12-2020 by Kats, Yevgeny (katsye)
Updaded on 16-12-2020 by Kats, Yevgeny (katsye)