Atomic and Superconducting Quantum devices

by Prof. Rainer Dumke

Centre For Quantum Technologies, Nus, Singapore.
at Quantum optics seminar

Wed, 25 Nov 2020, 15:00


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Quantum technology has developed on many fronts rapidly over the last few decades. We have witnessed tremendous progress in the application of quantum technologies in quantum sensors and quantum computing. In particular for quantum computing it is not clear which physical platform will prevail. Potentially hybrid systems capturing the advantages of individual platforms could help in overcoming some of the challenges ahead. Of interest are atomic and superconducting hybrid structures, which can give access to a very favourable parameter range. In this presentation I will discuss the individual challenges of superconducting and atomic quantum systems but also the current progress to realize robust hybrid computing architectures based on neutral atoms and superconducting qubits.

Created on 18-11-2020 by Folman, Ron (folman)
Updaded on 18-11-2020 by Folman, Ron (folman)