May 27 - June 01, 2015

Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC:

the First One Fermi  

A research workshop of 
the Israel Science Foundation



Research Abstract:  

The fundamental theory accounting for both the proton structure and the nuclear forces is Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions. The study of QCD under extreme conditions of high energies, temperatures and densities has long been one of the most challenging problems in physics, capturing increasing experimental and theoretical attention.
The main goal of the workshop is to gather together a number of  experts in the theory of high energy heavy ion collisions and discuss outstanding open questions. We would want to sharpen our understanding of the fundamental theory and phenomenological models, to discuss their reliability and predictive power. Furthermore, we would have to clarify our expectations for the new LHC run and provide theoretical input for this most exciting experimental research program.
When probed at very high energies, heavy nuclei and even protons appear as dense gluonic clouds and their collisions require a solid understanding of multiple gluonic interactions. Heavy ion collisions involve several stages: initial conditions given by the nucleus wavefunction, a very short thermalization phase, Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), and freezout followed by hadronization. For each phase there are various models, which, although capturing the main physical ideas, still lack the first principle justification/derivation.
In HI collisions at the LHC, a parametrically large number of gluons is liberated into the final state. This dense state will clearly be strongly interacting and must exhibit collective behavior. Although these interactions are primarily responsible for the thermalization of the plasma, the thermalization mechanism is currently not well understood, but it is believed that it occurs very quickly within less than One Fermi after the collision. The high-energy QCD should enable us to understand the mechanism of the thermalization process.
Of particular interest are long-range rapidity and angular correlations between the particles produced. Known as the "ridge", these correlations were first discovered in heavy ion collisions at the RHIC. They were also observed in the first HI run at the LHC and most recently even in proton-nucleus collisions. 
The prime scientific objective of this workshop is to further discuss the theory of high-energy collisions of dense objects from first-principle calculations in QCD. The workshop plans to focus on the topics listed above.