International Research Staff Exchange Scheme 


High-Energy QCD for Heavy Ions

The QCDHI collaboration

Prof. Michael Lublinsky


Prof. Nestor Armesto 

Prof. Alex Kovner 

            Department of Physics               

Department of Physics

Department of Physics

Beer Sheva, Israel

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Storrs  CT, USA


  Researchers in the collaboration: Dr. Tolga Altinoluk (Spain), Dr. Guillaume Beuf  (Spain/Israel), Yair  Mulian (Israel),  Arthur Shulkin  (Israel)                                                                        Dr. Yanyan Bu (Israel),  Dr. Elena Petreska (Spain)


  Research Abstract:  

We have entered the fascinating era of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Both the searches for new physics  in proton-proton collisions and the investigations of the high-energy medium effects in heavy-ion (HI) collisions require  a solid understanding of multiple  gluonic interactions.  With an increase in energy,  gluon densities rise rapidly. When probed at very high energies, heavy nuclei and even protons appear as  dense gluonic clouds.

The main objective of this collaboration  is to further develop the theory of high-energy collisions of dense objects from  first-principle  calculations and to apply it to phenomenology at the LHC and at the proposed Electron-Ion  and Large Hadron-electron Colliders.  We focus on collisions involving HIs, where the effects of high  densities become enhanced not only by   energy but also by the number of nucleons in the  nuclei.

Our specific goals are:
A: The derivation of an effective  QCD-based  theory for the initial  phase of  HI collisions.
B: The achievement of  a systematic phenomenological description of a certain class of measurements that are of particular importance for the LHC HI program.
C: The theoretical support for  future electron-hadron  experiments.

The objectives of this project will be achieved via  strengthening and broadening of a long-lasting collaboration between research centers  from EU and the US aiming at the development of a unified, QCD-based theoretical framework to describe the structure and  collisions of hadrons and nuclei.

The results of this study will facilitate a  better understanding of a quantum field theory, such as QCD, beyond naive perturbation theory. Today, exploring QCD under extreme  conditions, such as at high energy/density, is more important than ever  due to its  relevance for the LHC and future  collider programs. In this project we address questions  fundamental to understanding the experimental results.

EU FP7 sponsored collaboration

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016

 Additional  objectives:

Increase of the individual mobility
Transfer of knowledge between the research groups involved via exchange visits
Training opportunities  for early stage researchers
Future scientific development of the groups through their involvement in projects relevant for future experiments
Dissemination of the results of the exchange activities

The Mini Course

 Main Publications:

  1. "QCD Reggeon Calculus From KLWMIJ/JIMWLK Evolution: Vertices, Reggeization and All",
        Tolga Altinoluk, Carlos Contreras, Alex Kovner, Eugene Levin, Michael Lublinsky,
         and Arthur Shulkin; JHEP 1309 (2013) 115;  arXiv:1306.2794.
  2.  "Complete JIMWLK Evolution at NLO",
Alex Kovner, Michael Lublinsky, and Yair Mulian, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 061704, arXiv:1310.0378.
  3.  "Conformal symmetry of JIMWLK Evolution at NLO",
Alex Kovner, Michael Lublinsky, and Yair Mulian, JHEP 1404 (2014) 030,  arXiv:1401.0374.

   4.  "Improving the kinematics for low-x QCD evolution equations in coordinate space",
Guillaume Beuf, Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 074039, arXiv:1401.0313.

   5.   "Reggeon field theory for large pomeron loops",
        Tolga Altinoluk,  Alex Kovner, Eugene Levin, and Michael Lublinsky, JHEP 1404 (2014) 075,  
   6.   "KLWMIJ reggeon field theory beyond large Nc",
        Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto, Alex Kovner, Eugene Levin, and Michael Lublinsky,
         JHEP 1408 (2014) 007 arXiv:1402.5936
    7.  "Remarks on diffractive dissociation within JIMWLK Evolution at NLO",
  Michael Lublinsky
, Phys. Lett. B 735 (2014) 200,  arXiv:1404.0369 
    8.   "Next to eikonal corrections in the CGC: gluon production and spin asymmetries in pA collisions",
         Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf, Mauricio Martínez, Carlos A. Salgado,
         JHEP 1407 (2014) 068, arXiv:1404.2219
    9.   "NLO JIMWLK evolution unabridged",
 Alex Kovner, Michael Lublinsky, and Yair Mulian, JHEP 1408 (2014) 114, arXiv:1405.0418
   10.  "Single-inclusive particle production in proton-nucleus collisions at next-to-leading order
          in the hybrid formalism,''

          Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf,
Alex Kovner, and Michael Lublinsky,
          Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) no.9, 094016, arXiv:1411.2869
   11.  "Exclusive vector meson production at high energies and gluon saturation,''
          Nestor Armesto, and Amir H. Rezaeian, Phys. Rev. D90 (2014),  054003, arXiv:1402.4831

   12.   "Linearized fluid/gravity correspondence: from shear viscosity to all order hydrodynamics",
           Yanyan Bu and Michael Lublinsky, JHEP 1411 (2014) 064,  arXiv:1409.3095
   13.    "Linearly resummed hydrodynamics in a weakly curved spacetime ",
Yanyan Bu and Michael Lublinsky, JHEP 1504 (2015) 136, arXiv:1502.08044

   14.    "Bose enhancement and the ridge''
          Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf,
Alex Kovner, and Michael Lublinsky,
           Phys.Lett. B751 (2015) 448-452, arXiv:1503.07126
    15.   "Hydrodynamics dual to Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: all-order gradient resummation",
Yanyan Bu, Michael Lublinsky and Amir Sharon, JHEP 1506 (2015) 162, arXiv:1504.01370
    16.   "Entanglement entropy and entropy production in the Color Glass Condensate framework",
    Alex Kovner and  Michael Lublinsky, Phys.Rev. D92 (2015) no.3, 034016, arXiv:1506.05394
   17.    "Hanbury-Brown-Twiss measurements at large rapidity separations,
             or can we measure the proton  radius in p-A collisions? ''

           Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf,
Alex Kovner, and Michael Lublinsky,
            Phys.Lett. B752 (2016) 113-121, arXiv:1509.03223
    18.    "U(1) current from the AdS/CFT: diffusion, conductivity and causality ",
Yanyan Bu, Michael Lublinsky and Amir Sharon, JHEP  1604 (2016) 136, arXiv:1511.08789
    19.   "Heavy quarks in proton-nucleus collisions - the hybrid formalism"
Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf, Alex Kovner, and Michael Lublinsky,
             Phys.Rev. D93 (2016) no.5, 054049, arXiv:1511.09415
    20.   "QCD unitarity constraints on Reggeon Field Theory",
    Alex Kovner,  Eugene Levin, and  Michael Lublinsky, JHEP 1608 (2016) 031, arXiv:1605.03251
    21.     "Anomalous transport from holography: Part I",
Yanyan Bu, Michael Lublinsky and Amir Sharon, JHEP  1611 (2016) 093, arXiv:1608.08595
    22.    "Next-to-next-to-eikonal corrections in the CGC"
Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf,  Alexis Moscoso
           JHEP 1601 (2016) 114, arXiv:1505.01400
    23.     "Heavy-ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider: a review of the results from Run 1",
Nestor Armesto and Enrico Scomparin, Eur.Phys.J.Plus 131 (2016) no.3, 52, arXiv:1511.02151
   24.    "Diffractive Dijet Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Photon-Hadron Collisions
              in the Color Glass Condensate"
Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf, Amir H. Rezaeian,
             Phys.Lett. B758 (2016) 373-383,  arXiv:1511.07452
   25.    "Quark correlations in the Color Glass Condensate: Pauli blocking and the ridge"
Tolga Altinoluk, Nestor Armesto,  Guillaume Beuf, Alex Kovner, and Michael Lublinsky,   arXiv:1610.03020
   26.    "High Energy QCD at NLO: from light-cone wave function to JIMWLK evolution",
            Michael Lublinsky and Yair Mulian, arXiv:1610.03453
   27.   "Anomalous transport from holography: Part II",
Yanyan Bu, Michael Lublinsky and Amir Sharon, arXiv:1609.09054
   28.   "Exploring correlations in the CGC wave function: odd azimuthal anisotropy",
Alex Kovner,   Michael Lublinsky, and Vladimir Skokov, arXiv:1612.07790

  The research leading to these results has received funding from the People
  Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh
  Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement #318921

  We invite early stage researchers to join our collaboration.

  There are MSc and PhD Research Fellowships available.

  Postdoc applications are also welcome.


Collaboration Meetings 

Feb. 2013 (USA)
May/June 2013 (Israel)
Aug/Sept. 2013 (USA)
Feb. 2014 (USA)

May/June 2014 (Israel)

July 2014 (Spain)

Aug/Sept. 2014 (USA)

Jan. 2015 (Israel)

Feb. 2015 (USA)

March 2015 (Israel)

  April 2015  (Spain)  

May/June 2015 (Israel)

August 2015 - Sept. 2016 (USA)

Dec. 2016 (Israel)

    In pictures

              Israel 2013                           Spain 2014                            Spain 2014

                   USA 2014                                Israel 2015                                USA 2016