\sect{Baruch's D43.} Spin Resonance: Consider a spin $\half$ particle with magnetic moment in a constant magnetic field ${B_{0}}$ in the ${z}$ direction and a perpendicular rotating magnetic field with frequency $\omega$ and amplitude ${B_{1}}$; the Hamiltonian is \[\ \hat{H} =\hat{H} _{0} + \half\hbar \omega_{ 1} \left[\sigma_{ x}cos\left(\omega t\right) +\sigma_{ y}sin\left(\omega t\right)\right]\]\\ where ${\hat{H}_{0}=\half\hbar\omega_{ 0}\sigma_{ z}, \half\hbar\omega_{0}=\mu B_{0}, \half\hbar\omega_{1}= \mu B_{1}}$ and ${\sigma _{x}, \sigma _{y}, \sigma _{z}}$ are the Pauli matrices. The equilibrium density matrix is ${\hat{\rho}_{ eq}=exp\left( -\beta \hat{H}_{ 0}\right)/Tr \left[exp\left(-\beta \hat{ H} _{0}\right)\right]}$, so that the heat bath drives the system towards equilibrium with ${\hat{H} _{0}}$ while the weak field ${B_{1}}$ opposes this tendency. Assume that the time evolution of the density matrix ${\hat{\rho}\left(t\right)}$ is determined by \[\ d \hat{\rho} /dt = -\frac{i}{h} \left[\hat{H} , \hat{\rho}\right ] -\frac{\hat{\rho}-\hat{\rho}_{eq}}{\tau}\]\\ \begin{itemize} \item [(a)] Show that this equation has a stationary solution of the form ${\delta \rho _{11}=-\delta\rho _{22}=a, \,\,\,\delta\rho_{ 12}=\delta\rho_{ 21}^{*}= be ^{-i\omega t}}$ where ${\delta\hat{\rho} =\hat{\rho}-\hat{\rho}_{eq}}$. \item [(b)] The term ${-\left[\hat{\rho}-\hat{\rho}_{ eq}\right]/\tau}$ represents ${\left(- i/\hbar\right ) \left[(\hat{H}_{bath}) \hat{\rho} \right ]}$ where ${\hat{H}_{bath}}$ is the interaction Hamiltonian with a heat bath. Show that the power absorption is \[ \frac{ d}{dt} Tr\left[(\hat{H} + \hat{H}_{ bath})\hat{\rho} \right ] = Tr\left[\frac{d\hat{H}}{dt} \hat{\rho}\right]\] \item [(c)] Determine ${b}$ to first order in ${B_{1}}$ (for which ${a=0}$ can be assumed), derive the power absorption and show that it has a maximum at ${\omega =\omega_{ 0}}$, i.e. a resonance phenomena. Show that ${\left(d/dt\right) Tr\left( \hat{\rho}\hat{ H} \right)=0}$, i.e. the absorption is dissipation into the heat bath.\\ \end{itemize}