\sect{Baruch's D52.} Consider the coefficients $\gamma_{ij}$ in Onsager's relations for heat and current transport (see lecture notes pages 70-71). Consider also Boltzmann's equation as in Ex. D07. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Show that $\gamma_{22}$ is related to the conductivity $\sigma=ne^2\tau/m$. \item[(b)] Show that $\langle J_y\rangle=0$ and identify $\gamma_{21}$. [Note that $eV_i=\mu_i$ the local chemical potential.] \item[(c)] Identify the thermal conductivity $\kappa$ in terms of $\gamma_{ij}$. Use $\kappa=\frac{5}{2m}k_B^2n\tau T$ (result of D07c) to find $\gamma_{11}$. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%