\sect{Baruch's D51.} Consider a fluid in two compartments connected with a small hole. Although particles can pass easily through the hole, it is small enough so that within each compartment the fluid is in thermodynamic equilibrium. The compartments have pressure, temperature, volume and particle number $P_1$, $T_1$, $V_1$, $N_1$ and $P_2$, $T_2$, $V_2$, $N_2$, respectively. There is an energy transfer rate $dE/dt$ and particle transfer rate $dN/dt$ through the hole. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Identify the kinetic coefficients for $dE/dt$ and $dN/dt$ driven by temperature and chemical potential differences. Rewrite the equations in terms of $\Delta T=T_1-T_2$ and $\Delta P=P_1-P_2$ to first order in $\Delta T$ and $\Delta P$. \item[(b)] If $\Delta T=0$ one measures $\epsilon_1= (dE/dt)/(dN/dt)$. One can also adjust the ratio $\epsilon_2=\Delta P/\Delta T$ so that $dN/dt=0$. Show the relation \[\epsilon_2=\frac{1}{T}[\frac{E}{V}+P-\frac{N}{V}\epsilon_1]\] ($E/V$ or $P$ for either compartment). \item[(c)] Assume that the work done during the transfer by the pressure is via reducing the effective volume to zero within the hole. Evaluate $\epsilon_1$ and show that $\epsilon_2=0$.\\ \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%