\sect{Baruch's D30.} Particles with charge $e$ and velocities ${\bf v}_i$ couple to an external vector potential by $V_{int}=-\frac{e}{c}\sum_i{\bf v}_i\cdot {\bf A}$ and the electric field is ${\bf E}=-\frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial {\bf A}}{\partial t}$. The current density (per unit volume) is ${\bf j}=e\sum_i{\bf v}_i$. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Identify the response function for an $a$ component field with a given frequency, $E_a(\omega)$, in terms of the conductivity $\sigma(\omega)$ where ${\bf j}_a=\sigma (\omega) {\bf E}_a$ (assume an isotropic system so that $\sigma(\omega)$ is a scaler). Deduce the energy dissipation rate in terms of $\sigma(\omega)$ and $E_a(\omega)$. Compare with Ohm's law. What is the symmetry of Re$\sigma(\omega)$ when $\omega$ changes sign? \item[(b)] Use the fluctuation dissipation theorem to show the (classical) Kubo formula: \[\re\sigma (\omega)= \frac{1}{k_BT}\int_0^{\infty}\langle j_a(0)\cdot j_a(t)\rangle\cos(\omega t) dt \] \item[(c)]Write the Diffusion constant ${D}$ in terms of the velocity-velocity correlation function, assuming that this correlation has a finite range in time. Use Kubo's formula from (b) in the DC limit of zero frequency to derive the Einstein-Nernst formula for the mobility ${\mu =\frac{\sigma}{ne}= eD/k_{B}T}$, where $n$ is the particle density. (assume here uncorrelated particles). \item[(d)] The quantum current noise is defined as \[S(\omega)=\int_0^{\infty}dt \langle j_a(t)j_a(0)+j_a(0)j_a(t)\rangle \cos(\omega t).\] Use the quantum FDT to relate this noise to the conductivity. When is the classical result (b) valid? What is the noise at $T=0$? \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%