\sect{Baruch's D20.} Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem (FDT) for velocities: Consider an external $F(t)=\half f_0\eexp{-i\omega t}+\half f_0^*\eexp{i\omega t}$ coupled to the momentum as \[ H=\frac{p^2}{2M}+V(x;\text{env})-\frac{1}{M}F(t)p \] where "env" stands for the environment's coordinates and momenta. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Define the velocity response function by $\langle v(\omega)\rangle =\alpha_v(\omega)F(\omega)$ and show that the average dissipation rate is \[ \overline {\frac{dE}{dt}}=\half \omega |f_0|^2\im \alpha_v(\omega)\,.\] \item[(b)] Construct a Langevin's equation with $F(t)$ and identify $\alpha_v(\omega)$. [Identify also $\alpha_{p/M}(\omega)$ and show that $\im\alpha_v(\omega)=\im\alpha_{p/M}(\omega)$.] Using the known velocity correlations $\phi_v(\omega)$ (for $F=0$) show the FDT \[\phi_v(\omega)=\frac{2k_BT}{\omega}\im \alpha_v(\omega)\,.\] \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%