\sect{Baruch's D04.} Coarse grained entropy. The usual $\rho(p,q,t)$, i.e. the normalized state density in the 6N dimensional phase space $(p,q)$, satisfies Liouville's theorem $d\rho/dt=0$. We wish to redefine $\rho(p,q,t)$ so that the corresponding entropy increases with time. Divide phase space to small sub-volumes $\Omega_{\ell}$ and define a coarse grained density \[{\bar\rho}(p,q,t)={\bar\rho}_{\ell}=\frac{1}{\Omega_{\ell}} \int_{\Omega_{\ell}}\rho(p,q,t)dpdq \qquad \qquad (p,q)\in \Omega_{\ell}\] so that ${\bar\rho}(p,q,t)$ is constant within each cell $\Omega_{\ell}$. Define the entropy as \[\eta(t)=-\int {\bar\rho}(p,q,t)\ln {\bar\rho}(p,q,t)dpdq= -\sum_{\ell}\Omega_{\ell}{\bar \rho}_{\ell}\ln {\bar \rho}_{\ell}\,.\] Assume that at $t=0$ $\rho(p,q,0)$ is uniform so that $\rho(p,q,0)={\bar\rho}(p,q,0)$. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Show that $\eta(0)=-\int \rho(p,q,t) \ln \rho(p,q,t)dpdq\,.$ \item[(b)] Show that $\eta(t)$ increases with time, i.e. \[\eta(t)-\eta(0)=-\int \rho \left[\ln \frac{{\bar \rho}}{\rho} +1- \frac{{\bar \rho}}{\rho}\right]dpdq\geq 0\,.\] \end{itemize} Hint: Show that $\ln x +1 -x \leq 0 $ for all $x>0$.\\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%