%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{Landauer formula for 1D conductance} Consider 1D conductor that has transmission coefficient $g$. The conductor is connected to 1D leads that have chemical potentials $\mu_a$ and $\mu_b$. Assume ${\mu_a=\mu}$ and ${\mu_b=\mu+eV}$, where $V$ is the bias. \Dn (1) Write the expression for the current $I$ as an integral over the occupation function $f(\epsilon)$. \Dn (2) For small bias write the relation as $I=GV$ and obtain an expression for $G$. Write explicit results for zero temperature Fermi occupation (Landauer formula) and for high temperature Boltzman occupation. \Dn (3) Find expressions for $I(V)$ in the case of arbitrary (possibly large) bias, for zero temperature Fermi occupation and for high temperature Boltzmann occupation. Assume that $g$ is independent of energy. %%begin{figure} \putgraph{Ex607} %%\caption{}\label{} %%end{figure}