\sect{Baruch's C07.} Consider a ferromagnet with magnetic moments $m({\bf r})$ on a simple cubic lattice interacting with their nearest neighbors. [The symmetry is an Ising type, i.e. $m({\bf r})$ is the moment's amplitude in a preferred direction]. The ferromagnetic coupling is J and the lattice constant is a. Extend the mean field theory to the situation that the magnetization is not uniform but is slowly varying: \begin{itemize} \item [(a)] Find the mean field equation in terms of $m({\bf r})$, its gradients (to lowest order) and an external magnetic $H({\bf r})$, which in general can be a function of ${\bf r}$. \item [(b)] Consider $T>T_c$ where $T_c$ is the critical temperature so that only lowest order in $m({\bf r})$ is needed. For a small $H({\bf r})$ find the response $m({\bf r})$ and evaluate it explicitly in two limits: (i) uniform $H$, i.e. find the susceptibility, and (ii) $H({\bf r})\sim \delta^3({\bf r})$. Explain why in case (ii) the response is the correlation function and identify the correlation length.\\ \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%