\sect{Ising in interaction with lattice gas} Consider a one dimensional Ising model of spins $\sigma_{i}=\pm1$ labeled $i=1,2,3,...,M$, with periodic boundary condition. Between each two spins there is a site $n_i=0,1$ that can be occupied by an atom. If the atom is present the feromagnetic coupling is decreased from $J$ to $(1-\lambda)J$. \Dn (1) Evaluate the partition sum assuming that there are $N$ atoms in the $M$ sites. Allow all configurations of spins and of atoms. Calculate the free energy $F$. \Dn (2) If the atoms are stationary impurities one needs to evaluate the free energy $F$ for some random configuration of the atoms. What is the entropy difference between the results? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%