\sect{Baruch's C22.} Consider the Ising model in one dimension with periodic boundary condition and with zero external field. \begin{itemize} \item [(a)] Consider an Ising spin ${\sigma_{i}\,\, ( \sigma_{i}=\pm 1)}$ at site ${i}$ and explain why do you expect ${ \langle \sigma_{i}\rangle=0}$ at any temperature ${T\neq 0}$. Evaluate ${\langle\sigma_{ i}\rangle}$ by using the transfer matrix method. What is ${\langle\sigma_{ i}\rangle}$ at ${T=0}$? \item [(b)] Find the correlation function ${G\left(r\right)=\langle\sigma_{ 1}\sigma_{ r+1}\rangle}$ and show that when ${N\rightarrow \infty}$ (${N}$ is the number of spins) ${G\left(r\right)}$ has the form $G\left(r\right)\sim e^{- r/\xi}$ . At what temperature $\xi$ diverges and what is its significance?\\ \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%