\sect{Pressure of Lenard Jones gas} A gas of $N$ particles is confined in a box of volume $V$ at temprature of $T$. The two-body interaction between the particles is given by the Lenard Jones expression: \[ u(r)\ \ =\ \ \frac {a} {r^{12}} - \frac{b}{r^6} \] Note that this interaction is characterized by a length scale $r_0$ and an energy scale $\epsilon_0$ that correspond to the position and the depth of the potential. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Find an expression for the pressure via the Virial theorem, assuming that the moments $\langle r^n \rangle_T$ are known. \item[(b)] Using the Virial expansion, find an explicit expression for the pressure assuming low temperatures. \item[(c)] Using the Virial expansion, find an explicit expression for the pressure assuming high temperatures. \item[(d)] Comparing your answers to items (a) and (c) deduce explicit expressions for the $n=-6$ and for the $n=-12$ moments. Express your result in terms of ${ (V, r_0, \epsilon_0, T) }$. \end{itemize}