\sect{Baruch's A41.} Surfactant Adsorption: A dilute solution of surfactants can be regarded as an ideal three dimensional gas. As surfactant molecules can reduce their energy by contact with air, a fraction of them migrate to the surface where they can be treated as a two dimensional ideal gas. Surfactants are similarly adsorbed by other porous media such as polymers and gels with an affinity for them. \begin{itemize} \item[(a)] Consider an ideal gas of classical particles of mass $m$ in $d$ dimensions, moving in a uniform potential of strength $\epsilon_d$. Show that the chemical potential at a temperature $T$ and particle density $n_d$, is given by \[\mu_d=\epsilon_d+k_BT\ln[n_d\lambda^d] \qquad \mbox{where} \qquad \lambda=\frac{h}{\sqrt{2\pi mk_BT}}\] \item[(b)] If a surfactant lowers its energy by $\epsilon_0$ in moving from the solution to the surface, calculate the concentration of coating surfactants as a function of the solution concentration $n$ (at $d=3$). \item[(c)] Gels are formed by cross-linking linear polymers. It has been suggested that the porous gel should be regarded as fractal, and the surfactants adsorbed on its surface treated as a gas in $d_f$ dimensional space, with a non-integer $d_f$ . Can this assertion be tested by comparing the relative adsorption of surfactants to a gel, and to the individual polymers (assuming it is one dimensional) before cross-linking, as a function of temperature?\\ \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%