\sect{Baruch's B23.} Consider a neutron star as non-relativistic gas of non-interacting neutrons of mass $m$ in a spherical symmetric equilibrium configuration. The neutrons are held together by a gravitational potential ${-mMG/r}$ of a heavy object of mass $M$ and radius ${r_{0}}$ at the center of the star (${G}$ is the gravity constant and ${r}$ is the distance from the center). \begin{itemize} \item [(a)] Assume that the neutrons are classical particles at temperature ${T}$ and find their density ${n\left(r\right)}$ at ${r>r_{0}}$ for a given $n(r_0)$. Is the potential confining, i.e. is there a solution with ${n\left(r\right)\rightarrow 0}$ at ${r\rightarrow \infty}$ ? \item [(b)] Consider the neutrons as fermions at ${T=0}$ and find ${n\left(r\right)}$. Is the potential confining? [Hint: classify solutions according to their chemical potential $\mu$.] \item [(c)] Is the potential confining for fermions at ${T\neq 0}$? when is the result (a) valid?\\ \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%