%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{Fermions in gravitation field of a star} Consider an artificial model of neutron star where the gas of ${N}$ neutrons is held together by a gravitational potential ${U=-GMm/r}$ generated by the solid core $M$ of the star, where ${G}$ is the gravitation constant, and ${m}$ is mass of a neutron. The core has a radius ${r\sim0}$. \begin{itemize} \item [(a)] Assume the neutron gas as Fermi gas. Find the density ${n(r)}$ for $T=0$, and determine the Fermi energy ${\epsilon_{f} = -W(N)}$. \item [(b)] What is the radius $R$ that is occupied by neutrons? \item [(c)] Find the flux of particles that escape the gravitational field assuming a low temperature $T$. Note the analogy to thermionic emission. \item [(d)] Write a differential equation for the number ${N(t)}$ of remaining particles, assuming that the temperature is not changing. \item [(e)] The calculation of the flux in item (c) involves a Boltzmann approximation. Write the condition on $T$ for the validity of this assumption. Additionally, point out what is the systematic error that follows from the constant $T$ assumption. \end{itemize} Note: In item (a) your answer depends on a numerical constant $C$ that you have to define in terms of an elementary definite integral.