%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{Harmonic oscillators, Photons} Find the state equations of photon gas in 1D/2D/3D cavity within the framework of the canonical formalism, regarding the electromagnetic modes as a collection of harmonic oscillators. \Dn \begin{itemize} \item[(1)] Write the partition function for a single mode. \item[(2)] Find the occupation function for each $\omega$ mode. \item[(3)] Find the spectral density of modes $g(\omega)$. \item[(4)] Find the total energy of the photon gas. \item[(5)] Find the free energy of the photon gas. \item[(6)] Find an expression for the pressure of the photon gas. \end{itemize} \Dn Note: additional exercises on photon gas and blackbody radiation can be found in the context of quantum gases. Formally, photon gas is like Bose gas with chemical potential ${\mu=0}$. Note that the same type of calculation appears in Debye model ("acoustic" phonons instead of "transverse" photons).