%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{Heat capacity of solids} Consider a piece of solid whose low laying excitations are bosonic modes that have spectral density $g(\omega)=C\omega^{\alpha-1}$ up to a cutoff frequency ${\omega_c}$, as in the well-known Debye model (items 1-5). Similar description applies for magnetic materials (item 6). % % In items 7-8 assume that the solid is a "glass", whose low laying excitations are like two level entities that have a spectral density $g(\omega)$. \begin{itemize} \item[(1)] Write a general expression for the energy $E(T)$ of the system. This expression may involve a numerical prefactor that is defined by an $\alpha$ dependent definite integral. \item[(2)] Write a general expression for the heat capacity $C(T)$. \item[(3)] Write a general expression for the variance $\text{Var}(r)$ of an atom that reside inside the solid. \item[(4)] Determine what are $\alpha$ and $C$ and $\omega_c$ for a piece of solid that consists of $N$ atoms that occupy a volume $L^d$ in $d=1,2,3$ dimensions, assuming a dispersion relation $\omega=c|k|$, as for "phonons". \item[(5)] Write explicitly what are $C(T)$ and $\text{Var}(r)$ for ${d=1,2,3}$. Be careful with the evaluation of $\text{Var}(r)$. In all cases consider both low temperatures ($T\ll \omega_c$), and high temperatures ($T\gg \omega_c$). \item[(6)] Point out what would be $\alpha$ if the low laying excitations had a dispersion relation $\omega=a|k|^2$ as for "magnons". \item[(7)] What is the heat capacity of a "glass" whose two level entities have excitation energies $\omega = \Delta$, where $\Delta$ has a uniform distribution with density $C$. \item[(8)] What is the heat capacity of a "glass" whose two level entities have excitation energies $\omega = \omega_c \exp(-\Delta)$, where that barrier $\Delta>0$ has a uniform distribution with density $D$. \end{itemize}