\sect{Cooling by adiabatic demagnetization} %Baruch's A16 Consider a system of ${N}$ spins on a lattice at temperature ${T}$, each spin has a magnetic moment . In presence of an external magnetic field each spin has two energy levels, ${\muħ H}$. \begin{itemize} \item [(a)] Evaluate the changes in energy $\delta E$ and in entropy $\delta S$ as the magnetic field increases from ${0}$ to ${H}$. Derive the magnetization $M(H)$ and show that \[\delta E=T\delta S - \int_{0}^{H}M\left(H'\right)dH '.\]\\ Interpret this result. \item [(b)] Show that the entropy ${S\left(E, N\right)}$ can be written as $S(M,N)$. Deduce the temperature change when ${H}$ is reduced to zero in an adiabatic process. Explain how can this operate as a cooling machine to reach ${T\approx 10^{-4} K}$. (Note: below ${10^{-4} K}$ in realistic systems spin-electron or spin-spin interactions reduce ${S\left(T, H=0\right)\rightarrow 0}$ as ${ T\rightarrow 0}$. This method is known as cooling by adiabatic demagnetization.\\ \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%