%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{Boltzmann approximation from the canonical ensemble} Given ${N}$ particle gas with uniparticle state density function ${g\left(E\right)}$. In the grand canonical ensemble, in Boltzman approximation, the results we get for the state functions ${N\left(\beta\mu\right), E\left(\beta \mu\right)}$ are % % \[N\left(\beta\mu\right)=\int_{0}^{\infty}g\left(E\right)dE\,\,\,f\left(E-\mu\right)\] % % % % \[E\left(\beta\mu\right)=\int g\left(E\right)dE\,\,\, E\cdot f\left(E-\mu\right)\] % % Where ${f\left(E-\mu\right)=e^{-\beta\left(E-\mu\right)}}$ is called the Boltzman occupation function. In this exercise you need to show that you get those equations in the frame of the proximity ${Z_{N}\approx \frac{1}{N!}Z_{1}^{N}}$. For that, calculate ${Z}$, that you get from this proximity for ${Z_{N}}$ and derive the expressions for ${N\left(\beta\mu\right), E\left(\beta\mu\right)}$.