%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{The calculation of $Z(T)$ for AB and AA molecules} A diatomic molecule ${AB}$ can be regrded as two atoms that are connected by a spring of length ${r_0}$, and vibration frequency $\omega_{0}$. The total angular momentum is ${\ell=0,1,2,...}$. The masses of the atoms are $m_A$ and $m_B$, and they have spins $S_A$ and $S_B$. \Dn (a) Explian what are the conditions that allow to ignore all the excited vibrational levels, so you can treat the molecule as a rigid body ("rotor"). \Dn (b) Calculate the partition function of the diatomic molecule, assuming that it is like a classical rigid rotor. Define the condition on the temperature for this approximation to hold. \Dn (c) Calculate the partition function of the diatomic molecule, if the temperature is very low, taking only the ${\ell=0,1}$ states into account. \Dn (d) How the previous answers are modified for an $AA$ molecule that is composed of two identical spin0 atoms? \Dn (e) How the previous answers are modified for an $AA$ molecule that is composed of two identical spin 1/2 atoms? What is the probability to find the spin configuration in a triplet state? Relate to the two limits in (b) and (c).