%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sect{The functions $N(E)$ and $Z(T)$ for ${N}$ spins} Consider an ${N}$ spin system: \[\hat{H}=\sum_{\alpha=1}^{N}\,\frac{\varepsilon}{2}\,\hat{\sigma}_{z}^{\left(\alpha\right)}\] Calculate ${Z_{N}\left(\beta\right)}$ in two different ways: \begin{itemize} \item[(1)] The short way - Calculate ${Z_{N}\left(\beta\right)}$ by factoring the sum. \item[(2)] The long way - Write the energy levels ${E_{n}}$ of the system. Mark with ${n=0}$ the ground level, and with ${n=1,2,3,...}$ the excited levels. Find the degeneracy ${g_{n}}$ of each level. Use these results to express $Z_{N}\left(\beta\right)$, and show the that the same result is obtained. \end{itemize}