Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Astrophysics and Cosmology Group

Astrophysics, Relativity, Cosmology, and Space Physics

Astro seminars

 Held on Wednesdays, 11:15AM, in the seminar room (#207 in building 54)
Intro for students: 11:00AM
All are welcome!

Nathaniel Fisch
(Princeton University)

April 10, 2013

Some Examples of Rotating Magnetized Plasma


Rotating magnetized plasmas often feature unusual and unexpected phenomena. Contemporary plasma devices often exploit (or avoid) these interesting effects, but in any case serve as a testing ground for naturally occurring rotating plasma such as of astrophysical origin. In the case of the cylindrical Hall thruster, a rotating plasma can self-organize beneficially to direct the thrust axially.  In the case of centrifugal fusion devices, there is an added axial confinement. Since the added axial confinement is mass sensitive, it can serve also as a mass separation device. Sometimes the rotation energy is unwanted, if it detracts from other forms of energy, such as in compression devices for nuclear fusion. Recently, we showed that even a rotating neutral gas exhibits a negative compressibility effect, since energy can be stored in the rotational degree of freedom.

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Last updated by Uri Keshet,  2013