At present the theoretical frontier has reached the level when for certain, mostly inclusive processes, we can perform all order perturbative QCD resummations. The results are usually expressed as evolution equations, which govern the variation of  scattering amplitude as the energy of the process increases.  These evolution equations in QCD aim to replace the old Reggeon calculus, broadly used for high energy hadron phenomenology.

On theoretical side I am looking for an effective field theoretical description of high energy phenomena, which are traditionally discussed in terms of the Regge phenomenology. The ultimate goal is to derive and solve an effective  Reggeon Field Theory (RFT) as the correct limit of  QCD at high energies.  The derivation is based on leading order perturbative resummation and includes various non-linear effects induces by high gluon densities of colliding particles.

Apart of purely theoretical interest in understanding the high energy limit of QCD, the RFT should be an important tool for collider phenomenology .  These are deep inelastic scattering experiments at HERA and eRHIC, as well as  hadron and heavy ion collisions at the LHC, RHIC and TeVatron.  One of the central questions to be studied is the effect of high energy resummation  on proton structure functions. The latter are broadly used for computing scattering processes at hadron colliders. Precise knowledge of proton structure functions is crucial for many experiments, and especially for the success of the research program at the LHC.