Welcome to the homepage of
Ilya Gurwich




Phone: 972-8-6416655

Cell: 972-546-319006

Address: Ha-Gilboa, 25/29, Beer-Sheva, Israel, zip code: 84746


for physics research: gurwichphys@gmail.com

for course matter: gurwiche@bgu.ac.il

for other matters: ilyagur@gmail.com


Current Position: PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Aharon Davidson and Kreitman Fellow in Ben-Gurion University.

Short Scientific CV (including the publication list)

Current Research (Simple): Everything above the scale of Galaxies or below the scale of the nucleus (The rest is just details:).

Current Research (Elaborated): 


Extra-Dimensional Gravity (PhD research)

Unification of brane gravity, dark matter in the unified brane gravity, inflation from radiation mechanism, stable self accelerating modes and flat rotation curves.


Quantum Gravity

Constructing self-consistent quantum gravity without string theory, modification of QFT?


Particle structure

The mass hierarchy and generation puzzle, the relation between fermion structure and boson structure (Gauge theory), exotic interactions.





Physics Department

Kreitman School

Kreitman Fellowship
Ben-Gurion University

Particle Data Group

CERN Events (Announcements)





Links to homepages of people in the BGU-HEP research group:

Prof. Aharon Davidson

Prof. Ram Brustein

Prof. Eduardo Guendelman

Prof. David Owen

Dr. Alexander Kaganovich

Nadav Barkai

Daniel Levy

Idan Shilon