Eldad Peretz
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy


Department of Physics

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Office:   B. 54         Room (-120)
Tell/Fax:  972 - 8 - 6472152
Laboratory: B. 54    
Room (-119)
Tell: 972 - 8 - 6472153






About my Research:


My research deals with elasticity problems in the nanometer scale, near the lower edge of the continuum mechanics.

Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) I can see both lateral and vertical atomic displacements of the surface atoms. These displacements are due to internal stress source such as steps, dislocations and more, Or due to external stress source as epitaxial deposition on top of the surface. These atomic displacements compared to computational simulations based on Finite Elements Method.


Using atomic scale Technology one can give answer to questions such as the variation in mechanical properties of the surface from those of the bulk of the same material. Or, how can we understand the elastic mechanism that causes quantum Dots arrays to line up laterally and vertically in multi Layers structure.


Short CV

Publication List

STM Group

My Family

Yoni Shmucher Memorial

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