Graduate studies in physics

MSc studies

To be admitted as a graduate student, an applicant must possess a bachelor's degree in physics or related fields of science from a university recognized in Israel, with a grade point average exceeding 80. In particular, the following courses are required to have been completed prior to your admission as a graduate student: Classical Mechanics, Electrodynamics 1, Quantum Mechanics 1 and Quantum Mechanics 2, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 1, Advanced Labs in Physics. Two tracks of graduate studies are available:
Below are the course requirements for all students regardless of the program selected:
During the first semester, you will need to find a supervisor for your master's thesis, and after the second semester, you will present a research proposal. The thesis must be completed by the end of the second year and demonstrate scholarly thinking and critical judgment, as well as satisfactory working knowledge of the methods in your research, your thorough understanding of the relevant theoretical frameworks together with a high degree of familiarity with the literature related to your field.
A thesis is evaluated for a final grade according to the breakdown below: The student has to take 27.0 credits. Specifically, you are required to do the following:

PhD studies

The Kreitmann School of Advanced Graduate Studies accepts PhD students on condition of approval by the supervisor. For this purpose, an applicant must have a MSc in physics or a related field of science (from a university recognized in Israel) with a minimum grade point average of 85 and a minimum thesis grade of 90. In the case of the direct route, a bachelor's degree with a minimum grade point average of 90 is necessary. Research proposals to contain 10-15 pages must be presented during the first year; the recommended format \documentclass[11pt]{revtex4} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5} . Upon succeeding in the candidacy exam and approval of the research proposa, the status of the individual is changed from the ''candidate'' to ''research student''. For more information:

Integrated route

This route opens a possibility to continue graduate studies towards a PhD degree. Admission is subject to the terms and set by the Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies. The decision to choose this route must be made during the first four semesters of the graduate studies, and the conditions for a change-over include the candidate to pass all compulsory courses, take at least 20 credits with a minimum grade point average of 85, submit their MSc research proposal, have a reference letter issued by the supervisor. As a part of the tasks undertaken by the candidates, they are required to present the results of their work at a departmental seminar and submit the PhD research proposals prior to the end of the fourth semester. The research proposal for the integrated route should include a summary of the work completed before change-over. At the candidacy exam, the Exam Committee will consider the summary as a ''thesis'' and decide whether to grant the MSc degree on this basis. The candidate's status is changed to ''research student'' once the Exam Committee approves the research proposal.

The Educational Committee regulations

In addition to the faculty regulations for graduate students and those stipulated by the Kreitmann school for advanced studies, the Department Educational Committee has adopted the following rules. The graduate and PhD students must: