IPS 2008 - Submissions

This is the future version of the submission site. Currently you can bypass it using the current version (in the menu) that allows to generate a fake registration number.

The 3 required stages:

The 3 stages are further explained below.  

The registration stage

Online registration (see link above) is required in order to get an IPS registration number. The Format of this number is Fxxxx for a full member, Sxxxx for a student, Pxxxx for a pensioner, and Txxxx for a teacher, where xxxx are four digits.

The submission stage

In order to enter the submission site UserName and Password are required. The required information has been distributed to all faculty members via the physics office of their home institution (it is the same UserName and Password for all). Faculty members are allowed to give their students the permission to submit abstracts after they check and approve their presentation.
Note to students: We encourage any student that has interesting research results to submit an abstract. Ask your adviser to approve your submission and to give you the UserName and the Password of the submission site. Please feel free to play with the submission form, and press "submit" once you are happy with the result.

The payment stage

An abstract submission will be approved only if the submitter has a valid IPS registration number, and a payment form including both IPS membership fee and IPS meeting registration fee has been submitted. The payment itself should be performed latest at the day of the meeting. So if you did not (say) send a cheque in advance, please bring it in the day of the meeting.