IPS Meeting Site Package ========================= This package has been prepared by Doron Cohen (BGU) and it can be copied and used freely by any university. The full list of files is appended below. They can be downloaded as one "ips.tar.gz" file. The package assumes a web server with PHP support. HTML mimetex formulas are processed via the BGU server, http://physweb.bgu.ac.il/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?E=mc^2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% What to modify ================ The HTML files should be changed using any decent HTML editor, e.g. Netscape / NVU / KompoZer http://www.nvu.com The file "Sessions.txt" should be changed using any ASCII editor, e.g. Notepad. The PHP files should not be modified. The associated PDF files can be generated using e.g. PDF creator http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57796&package_id=53473 The following figure files should be replaced: logo_University.gif logo_University_full.jpg photo_University.jpg %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% How to modify a submission ============================ All the submissions are in the ARCHIVE folder. Use any ASCII editor to re-edit a file. Opening e.g. "1001.html" with Notepad you will see Typically you would like to modify the following parameters: ipsGR = Topic/session category (01=Quantum physics / etc) ipsTY = Type of contribution (1=poster/2=talk/3=review/4=plenary) You have to be a superuser to save the changes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IPS site vs Meeting site ========================== The IPS site should handle: (1) Registration form to the IPS (2) Registration form to the meeting (3) Payment form (*) (4) Generation of Payment Invoice [PDF for print] (5) Generation of Payment Receipt [PDF for print] (5) Generation of parking entrance permits [PDF for print] (*) The actual payment will be online / sending check / bringing check to the meeting (*) The meeting site includes a link to the IPS site. (*) For convenience -- the IPS site should move its menu to the left side. Files with [*] below are not required if the IPS site is fully functional. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FILES ======== The files are organized in one directory with 4 sub-folders: IPS2000 (main directory) IPS2000/SUBMISSIONS (sub-folder with htaccess password protection) IPS2000/ARCHIVE (sub-folder with write permission for others) IPS2000/PRINTOUTS (sub-folder for printouts and documents) IPS2000/FairsFiles (sub-folder for fair files) The folder ARCHIVE should be linked under SUBMISSIONS using the command "ln -s ../ARCHIVE ." IPS2000 ========= wall_back.jpg wall_dspl.jpg wall_menu.jpg photo_University.jpg logo_University_full.jpg logo_University.gif logo_IPS_full.jpg logo_IPS.jpg Index.html Menu.html Main.html Info.html Info_gate.html Info_directions.html Info_updates.html Committees.html Program.html FairsTrade.html FairsJobs.html registration.html submissions.html Sessions.txt Sessions.php Posters.php Abstracts.php InfoPages.php Booklet_sessions.php Booklet_abstracts.php Pages_posters.php Pages_sessions.php IPS2000/SUBMISSIONS ===================== submit.html saveFormData.php AutoGenerateList.php AutoGenerateList_ver.php AutoGenerateList_abc.php AutoGenerateList_oral.php AutoGenerateList_posters.php AutoGenerateList_members.php DatabaseGate.php [*] DatabaseRead.php [*] DatabasePayments.php [*] DatabasePermit.php [*] DatabaseMembers.txt [*] DatabaseMembersMore.txt [*] IPS2000/ARCHIVE ================= ID.html (counter, should contain the number 1001 before the first submission is done) 1001v1.html (demo file, should be eventually deleted) 1001.html (demo file, should be eventually deleted) IPS2000/PRINTOUTS =================== Poster.pdf InfoPages.pdf Booklet_opening.pdf Booklet_sessions.pdf Booklet_abstracts.pdf Pages_posters.pdf Pages_sessions.pdf PaymentForm.doc [*] PaymentForm.pdf [*] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Installation ============= ----> At Ben-Gurion University tar zcvf IPS2000.tar.gz *.* ??*/*.* ----> if you want to place the files mkdir IPS2009 cd IPS2009 ***PLACE*** IPS2000.tar.gz tar zxvf IPS2000.tar.gz rm IPS2000.tar.gz sudo chown -R apache ARCHIVE cd SUBMISSIONS ln -s ../ARCHIVE . ----> if you want to protect by password cd SUBMISSIONS ***EDIT*** htaccess mv htaccess .htaccess htpasswd -c .htpswd ips ----> if you want to empty the archive cd ARCHIVE sudo rm *.html sudo sh -c "echo 1000 > ID.html" sudo chown apache ID.html Note: changes of ownership require sudo. The same applies if you want to delete or to modify file in the archive directory. Note: There are many ways to do password protection. Consult your web administrator regarding your server. Without password protection anyone can submit...